Counselling & Psychotherapy in Salford – Greater Manchester
Helping people both face to face and remotely.
I can appreciate that the first meeting for Counselling & Psychotherapy in Salford can be challenging. I recognise it is often a first and a big step towards exploring, explaining and sharing what is causing distress to another person.
My aim is to listen and get a good understanding of the issue(s) and answer any questions you may have. It is hoped that even at this early stage we can begin to draw out ways we can start to effectively work together to pool our mutual resources to begin the process of renewal and recovery.
Fees: Initial first appointment assessment session £35.00. Thereafter £45.00 – Between 9am and 3.30pm and £50.00 from 4pm onwards.
Method of payment: Bacs, cash or cheque.

Payment protocol: Payment at the end of the first session, thereafter one session in advance.
Cancellations: More than 24 hours notice, no fee. Less than 24 hours notice, a £25.00 will apply. If you do not arrive, without prior warning, DNA the full fee will apply – Understanding many valid reasons why appointments are missed, but ask that you recognise that this not only my vocation but also my livelihood and so appreciate the acceptance of these terms.
Counselling & Psychotherapy Services in Salford & Greater Manchester
Below is a brief overview of some of the Models of therapy which I can use to assist and help. More information can be found in the ‘How I Work‘ and ‘FAQs‘ pages.
In the 1950’s Carl Rogers, the originator of this type of counselling, believed and taught that all individuals deserve and merit the right to be listened to and truly heard, understood, respected, empathised with and offered a genuine response. He pronounced that this was at the core of all good counselling. I also believe this. Whilst the integration of other therapy models can be of great assistance and provide useful tools, without the above attitude, counselling runs the risk of being mechanistic and prescriptive.
In many some circumstances PCA alone is sufficient for change, growth and re-empowerment. Visit The British Association for the Person Centred Approach for more information.
CBT was developed by Aaron Beck. This is the NHS’s current favoured therapy model and NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) approved.
CBT is useful particularly when intrusive unhelpful thoughts are impacting on your well being. We look at those thought patterns and their power to influence and develop new perspectives and positive ways of looking at one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviours and situations. Homework is one aspect of CBT. A useful website is
Discovered by Francine Shapiro in the 1980’s, EMDR is a therapeutic intervention approved by the WHO World Health Organisation and by NICE in the UK. It has excellent results for dealing with trauma and importantly deals with the legacy of past traumas as it impacts on our lives in terms of unhealthy symptoms which we bear today. The EMDR Association has more information.
Perhaps this is the therapy which seems most mysterious and counter intuitive. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. It is a great way of assisting clients to manage difficult or distressing symptoms.
By focusing on our sub-conscious, hypnotherapy is a great ally in helping in such ways as improving sleep, reducing anxiety, aiding relaxation, and increasing your confidence, self esteem and self worth. It helps with overcoming fears and creating new positive thought process. More information can be found on The Hypnotherapy Association website.
The origins of this are in the Far East and the Buddhist tradition. This is something that is taught and is gaining recognition within the NHS. It is a really useful practice to enable inner awareness to be in the here and now, which promotes acceptance, relaxation and freedom from internal disquiet. For more information visit The Guided Meditation Site.
The Enneagram is probably the least familiar aspect of therapy in my “toolkit”. It has been said that its origins date back to the Sufis in the ancient Middle East. I know it through being taught by Helen Palmer and David Daniels, two leading teachers. It is a means of discovering our authentic identity, which in many instances has been buried under the stuff of life. Re-discovering the real me can be very enlightening. Don’t worry, we find it by talking, listening and reading. To learn more visit
Focusing is about listening to your body and being receptive to it. It is about initiating a conversation with your body. The body is always in the here and now and when we connect with it, it is a great resource for informing, providing insight and healing. More information can be found on the website.
Sometimes known as “tapping” a holistic tool, which links mind body and spirit which helps generate acceptance and change. has more information.
As the name suggests it is a way of becoming aware of our minds constant dialogue and re-calibrating those thoughts to create a positive internal and external dialogue with ourselves and others. Visit for more useful information.
The singular aim of the services we provide is to help assist you to become the best you.